Chinese Age: 71     Fortune Year 2007     Mr. Joseph Estrada     Apr, 19 1937     Stem: 6-3-1-4
Western Age: 70     Year of the Pig     Manila, Philippines     : am     Branch: 2-1-5-2
Hexagram 51.4 - The Zhen Hexagram, 4th Moving Line
Zhen • Shock, Thunder, Taking Action

The Zhen hexagram signifies shock. Heavy thunder rumbles and roars over a thousand miles. Men who have done nothing bad are shocked and frightened. He can get what he seeks, except he has no way to get an official post and title. People can only hear thunder but cannot see its form.

When Heavenly Master Li Jing met with Mother Dragon and begged to stay for a night and moved the rain for the dragons, he obtained this hexagram, and was promoted in the end to the post of the vice prime minister.

This Ancient I-Ching Pictograph Holds Secret Clues to Your Fate, Fortune and Destiny This Year:

» A man is standing on a cliff (crag). Be aware of danger and disaster.
» A tree in bloom and an official document imply that in the Spring his writing is full of vitality (Spring is a good time to pursue writing).
» A man is pushing a cart with a book on it, which means urgent (express) need of writing.
» A pile of money and gold and silver ingots are a sign of acquiring big wealth and high salary.

A hexagram of shocking for a hundred miles.
An image of thunder being heard but not being seen.

King Wen's Judgment: The Zhen hexagram signifies success. The thunder clashes - crack! crack! Afterwards there is laughter and talking - ha! ha! The thunder shocks [roars and resonates, travels] for a thousand miles. The superior man calmly performs the sacrificial service without dropping the spoon and chalice.

Symbol Tradition: The Double Zhen trigram symbolizes Thunder. The superior person with concerned mind examines himself [his own faults] and cultivates his virtue [improves himself, sets his life in order].

Confucius: The Zhen hexagram indicates success. Shock: at the time of thunder roaring. Alarm: to be frightened and panicked looking book. Rumbling: appalling resounding of thunder over a hundred miles. Sacrifice: the superior man is calm, the eldest son performs the sacrificial service holding the spoon and chalice with steady hands. The oracle for this hexagram says that fear can lead to blessing.

Because you were born in a Yin year:

At first he looked for repentance, then comes success.
Among the rumbling of thunder arrives the splendid Spring.
When orioles sing, all the flowers are in riotious colors,
From then on, appointment will ensure the meeting of each other.

This is an October (10th lunar month) hexagram.

Spring:    Exuberant
Summer:    Auspicious
Autumn:    Auspicious
Winter:    Half-auspicious
This is your personal "Karma Calculator" reading for the year, containing your main fortune reading and advice on how to change your fortune. Please remember to read everything symbolically and translate the ancient Chinese indications to their modern equivalents.

Nine at the fourth line: The thunder brings stagnation in the mire.

This line indicates that the satisfaction of his desires may bring dangers.

For an individual of great virtue and merit, the individual limits his desires to avoid indulgence, and corrects his mistakes to avoid sinking. Although he cannot establish himself for a great cause, he can preserve his life and avoid destruction.

For just an ordinary individual, the individual lives a humble and ignoble life without any decency. He lives a plain life in obscurity.

In such a year, an official has the danger of demotion and dismissal, a scholar suffers the disaster of job suspension and demotion, and a commoner lives a humble and ignoble life. He has no way at all for improvement. He may even be imprisoned and sentenced, and there is no hope for him to enjoy a glorious and happy life.

Two poems for the fourth line:

There will be no danger wherever he goes,
But it is not fitting for him to move his house.
When a bright moon rises in the clear sky,
He will set sail to return down the river.

The second:

White jade is hidden in the mud.
And yellow gold is buried in soil.
They shine brightly for a long time,
But they need someone to find them.

The following hexagram transformations of your original karma calculation will reveal fortune secrets not found in your main reading.
  The Original Hexagram - Your Basic Fortune For This Year: 51.4
Thunder comes. He is as if stuck in the mud [stagnating in the mire].
After the thunderstorm, he is mired in shock.
The Opposite Hexagram - Your Mind-Body Fortune: 57.4
Regrets disappear [vanish]. During the hunt (in the field), three kids of game are caught.
  The Nuclear Hexagram - Your Close Relationships Fortune: 39.4
Going forward [advancing] means obstruction [meets with difficulty]. Return [come back] means union [connection, reuniting, joining associates].
  The Reverse Hexagram - External Relationship Fortune: 52.4
Keep still his trunk [torso, body]. There is nothing to blame [no error].
  The Future Hexagram - The Potential Future Situation: 24.4
He walks in the middle [surrounded by others] but returns alone [solitarily turns back].
If you need help or guidance during the year for situation or problem that arises, check here for advice from the sages.

Weather: There are rumbles and roars of thunder. If the first line of the hexagram is reversed there will be black clouds and heavy rain. If the third line of the hexagram is reversed, there will be wind and rain.

House: It is a residence on the east or the west side of a temple or near a stream. Nearby there are historic sites and altars. If there is an alarm in the house, be on your guard against disaster and the six domestic animals. It is better to move. Incense burning helps a lot.

Seeking an official post: If you get the hexagram in spring or summer, you are sure to be promoted to a high post. If in winter and autumn, it will be just a title without anything real or solid.

Marriage: Two go-betweens come to talk about the matter. It will be a success for the northwest one, and failure for the southeast one. The woman with purple color is reticent, cruel and strict toward her husband.

Pregnancy: It is a boy born on the Chinese calendar day of chen or si . The labor brings fear and alarm. If the third line of the hexagram is reversed there will be disaster for the mother. If the first line of the hexagram is reversed, the son will get hurt.

Traveler: The letter will arrive on the Chinese calendar day of chen or mao . There will be no misfortune or danger if three men travel together.

Looking for a person: One can see him on the way in the southeast.

Location of family tomb: It is in the directions of yi  (East) and geng (West). The mountain in the West is low. It is near fields and water.

Seeking wealth: Seek in a hurry on the day and/or in the Chinese month of shen (lunar September) or you (lunar October).

Dealings: It is settled on the Chinese calendar day of wu or wei .

Chasing a robber: There is an alarm and a fear. He can be caught in the southwest.

Calling on a noble man: He can be seen on the Chinese calendar day of wu or wei .

Expecting a thing: It is difficult to succeed.

The lost: It can be found in the direction of either east or west.

Harvest of crops or cocoons: It is ample.

Illness: He went to the southwest before the temple and offended the three saints, the ghost of weapons, the ghost of the wounded and dead, the ghost of grass and wild land, and the ghost of five magic powers. They took away his ethereal and corporal souls. He was frightened and fell ill on the way, or he met with the ghost of ancient tombs, or the corpse embracing ghost. He then has fits of cold and fever, pains in his bones and joints. Blood and qi rush to the head. Offer sacrifice to the family ancestors, the ghost of weapons, the ghost of the wounded and dead, the ghost of the underwood, the god of the temple, the god of five magic powers, the god of roaming plagues, the god of armor, the flying snake and white tiger.

For a child: Offer sacrifice to the parents of his pervious life, the god of Wuyou, drive away the earth demons, and there will be good fortune.

Lawsuit: There is an alarm concerning an argument. Repeated persuasion bring no harm. The person with ["kou" - mouth] or  ["mu" - tree, wood] in his name is a noble man.

Chinese Age: 72     Fortune Year 2008     Mr. Joseph Estrada     Apr, 19 1937     Stem: 6-3-1-4
Western Age: 71     Year of the Rat     Manila, Philippines     : am     Branch: 2-1-5-2
Hexagram 3.5 - The Zhun Hexagram, 5th Moving Line
Zhun • Difficulty in the Beginning, Progress Impeded, Retrenchment, Massed, Gathering Support, Sprouting
The Zhun hexagram signifies a difficult birth. At a time like this, it is impossible to obtain wealth through any action. Even an easy thing will tend to go as usual at the beginning, but then experience problems [disputes, troubles]. He must not travel far at this moment. Marriage will bring good fortune. Ambitions and expectations will not come true.

Ji Bu, a general under Xiang Yu, obtained this hexagram when he fled for his life. Liu Bang, the first emperor of the Han Dynasty, pardoned him for his loyalty.

This Ancient I-Ching Pictograph Holds Secret Clues to Your Fate, Fortune and Destiny This Year:

» A man is on the top of the lookout post (watch pole). He is not willing to see danger in the future.
» The wheel is stuck in the mud. It cannot move forward.
» A dog is turns his head backwards, which means crying.
» A man is shooting an arrow at an official document. It means the selection of the talented.
» A knife near the buffalo's head is a Chinese character for "horn."
» A box is a sign of harmony and union.

A hexagram of a dragon that descends in shallow water.
An image of birth (germination) for myriad things in nature.

King Wen's Judgment: The Zhun hexagram signifies that supreme success lies in perseverance. It is not the time to take action [undertake anything, act lightly] but to establish feudal lords [find major assistants].

Symbol Tradition: Clouds and Thunder symbolize a difficult birth. The superior man tries to make order out of disorder [regulates things and systemizes them, trying to set them in good order].

Confucius: This hexagram signifies that supreme success lies in perseverance. But it is not a time to take any action.

Because you were born in a Yin year:

He has experienced many dangerous waves,
But now the boat flows steady on the water.
A man at the riverside gives some good advice,
He feels easy to seek to realize his ambition.

This is a June (6th lunar month) hexagram.

Spring:    Auspicious
Autumn:    Bad
This is your personal "Karma Calculator" reading for the year, containing your main fortune reading and advice on how to change your fortune. Please remember to read everything symbolically and translate the ancient Chinese indications to their modern equivalents.

Nine at the fifth line: It is difficult to distribute the oil. Small measures will bring good fortune, but big measures will bring bad fortune.

This line indicates that the inferior virtuous have nothing to do with the inferior and he cannot engage in a great cause.

For an individual of great virtue and merit, the individual is just and righteous from birth, and kind-hearted but achieves small successes.

For just an ordinary individual, the individual is sure to meet with failure, for he craves greatness and success.

In such a year, any capable man should not take any wanton or hasty action to invite misfortune, but should be prudent and careful to avoid trouble or disaster.

Two poems for the fifth line:

Good fortune flows from minor things at home;
The great ambition he cherishes brings great disaster.
When he comes to the place at the foot of the mountain,
He should be vigilant against his own repeated ignorance.

The second:

It is favorable for him to seek in the west,
And get through difficulty gradually in autumn and winter.
There is no need for more hesitation and doubt,
For he should feel free to make his own arrangements.

The following hexagram transformations of your original karma calculation will reveal fortune secrets not found in your main reading.
  The Original Hexagram - Your Basic Fortune For This Year: 3.5
Saving [hoarding] the fat [achieving abundance]. Perseverence in terms of [for, regarding] small things [measures] will bring good fortune, but perseverence for big [great] things [measures] brings bad fortune.
The Opposite Hexagram - Your Mind-Body Fortune: 50.5
The cauldron has yellow ears and golden handles. It is favorable [beneficial, advantageous] to persevere.
  The Nuclear Hexagram - Your Close Relationships Fortune: 23.5
The palace ladies string together one after another like a line of fish to win the king’s favor. Nothing is unfavorable [nothing will not be advantageous].
  The Reverse Hexagram - External Relationship Fortune: 4.5
Childlike innocence [youthful naivete] will bring good fortune [all goes well].
  The Future Hexagram - The Potential Future Situation: 24.5
He returns in earnest [noblehearted return, with real sincerity of heart, magnanimous return] and there is no cause for regret [remorse, repentance].
If you need help or guidance during the year for situation or problem that arises, check here for advice from the sages.

Weather: Untimely rain. The divination indicates a certainty of plenty of rain; there is an image of clouds moving and rain falling. The divination in Summer shows normal weather.

House: The road to the house is not straight, the door is in the gable (the generally triangular section of wall at the end of a pitched roof, occupying the space between the two slopes of the roof). The house will be passed to another host, or persons of another clan will visit. Guard against calamity, fire or burglary.

Seeking an official post: He will fail after much difficulty. If the second line of the hexagram is reversed, there will be bad fortune.

Marriage: It is the second marriage for the man, and also for the woman. They sleep together first, then get married.

Seeking wealth: It is fit to seek by oneself. He can obtain it. It is easy if far away (distant), but difficult nearby.

Traveler: Two men travel together and are delayed on the way.

Looking for a person: There is a possible encounter on the way. Or there is a letter to identify/announce him.

Tomb siting: There are high mountains on the two sides with no water. If it is in the directions of jia (East) and geng (West), change it.

Dealings: There is difficulty.

Calling on a noble man: There is a sign of failure.

Lost things: It can be quickly found in the grass, or in a collapsed house, along the fence or walls.

Harvest of crops and silk cocoons: It is poor.

Arresting a criminal: He can be found in the North, in the house of an officer.

Seeking a job: It is a good fortune for others to come to me for the job. Surely we will be on good terms.

Traveling: There are surely both advance and retreat involved. So it is not fit to take rash actions, but suitable for meeting in the northwest.

Pregnancy: It is a boy. There is a false alarm for the mother. She will be safe.

Illness: He went to the temple hall in the northeast, and offended the god of border defense. It took away his ethereal and corporal souls. The ghost of the summer sun, and the ghost of the wounded and dead make troubles. He has fits of cold and fever. He feels dizzy and stuffy, and cannot take in drink or food. Offer sacrifice to the family ancestors, the god of border defense, send off the god of plagues, and drive back the earth demon.

For a child: Offer sacrifice to the parents of his previous life, the old couple of transformation, the five road boy, express thanks to the kitchen god, send off the god of stars, drive back the demon of earth, beg gods for blessings. There will be good fortune.

Lawsuit: If it is a small matter, there will be success. Guard against a delay. An image of medium misfortune for a big matter will, on the contrary, not result in great harm.